no longer an exclusively vicarious one.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

sitting, waiting, wishing...

arite. pics, as promised. tina, i was gonna put it up on your photo thingy, but i think i lost the url. and i cant remember the username/password. yeah. go me!
im kinda confused about the layout when i upload these, having never stuck pics up on blogger before ( i know, what a noob), so bear with me:

waiting in the hot, hot sun.

more waiting. we got there at 10am and already there was a line down the road. didnt actually see the gates till about 11:10
tilt your heads. cazza in a photo for once without looking constipated/running away. jk. =P

my upload-y thing is really slow, so these pics are going to come in series of posts. ill try one post per band - itll be easier for me.



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